How Much Is TOO MUCH for a Analog front End?

Hello All
I have a question hopefully you can help me decide.After having had the "bug" (you all know what I mean) for much of my fomative years, I have reached a point in my evolution that I've got the urge to upgrade my front end to that last step.
What I am contemplating is a purchase I am almost afraid to make. Having read soo much about these killer tables from various "cottage" companies (Teres,Redpoint,Galibier,etc) I have really got the itch.Not that my current front end isn't giving me enjoyment.It consists of a VPI HW-19 mk III in between 3 and four status, twl modded OL Silver arm,with various carts, a 103,Dyna DV-20X etc.,
but what I'm getting hot and heavy about is a Galibier Gavia,Schroder mod 2 or maybe Redpoint Medel B with the same mod 2 arm?
but were talking roughly $9-10k not exactly lunch money.
So this brings us to the question How much is TOO much for a table/arm set up? (now thinking about it this maybe the wrong place to ask this question lol) should it be in proportion to my income?
give me some input.In all honesty, I won't be able to purchase it til maybe August If I start saving now.
Please give me some indication,as I am bordering on an Intervention!!

12-28-07: Braab8
I have not heard of this from VPI I must research.
Here's a closeup picture of the feature, and here it is on the VPI Super Scoutmaster Reference Turntable. Supposedly it'll be available separately as an add-on option, but details are sketchy. It's shown and listed as a separate add-on in MusicDirect's hard copy catalog, but it had no determined price and few details at that point.
I'd say whatever your reasonably comfortable spending should be the limit... i.e. there is obviously no set limit.

Some folks have lots of money and the thought of spending many thousands doesn't fly, others I'm sure have excellent tables in more modest homes for example. It's all about priorities.

I'm moving from a Scoutmaster to a Raven AC, (finally decided on that over Raven One), as over time I have changed my perspective on upgrades. I used to like incremental upgrades but now think it makes more sense to take a big leap to your "dream" component, (assuming you can fund it), and stay there for much longer. Fewer bigger steps if you will. No right or wrong way, just my opinion.

So, for me the cost of a Raven is about what I'd look at as the upper end. If I can't get what I want out of analogue for that I ain't getting it as I don't see me ever sinking more into a table. I may change it one day but for me I think that is more than adequate and enough that most of the general population would think me an imbecile. ;-)

I'd say, get into a good table/arm combo in that range, particularly if you're lusting after it anyway, and enjoy it for the long haul. You'll have a solid cornerstone to your system and appreciate improvements elsewhere.

Best of luck whatever you do.
Great responses.

I would just add two things. I can't think of a worthier place to "start" upgrading than the analogue front end.

Second, I think it is pointless to proclaim a point at which the price is "ridiculous" and below which it is reasonable. That is obviously purely subjective. The pursuit of excellence in any field is something that with any luck will never end. The sense of balance in this pursuit is predicated completely on context which is by definition personal. Whether it is worth it to a given person to devote his life to breaking an Olympic record is their choice. At what cost is always a good question. Just be sure to answer that question honestly and then look at how you can pay that cost "effectively."
So this brings us to the question How much is TOO much for a table/arm set up?

Whatever you can afford without negative consequences afterwards...

In other words, don't mortgage your house to buy a Continuum Caliburn. ;)
Regarding the rim drive for the VPI. I spoke to Harry about it and he said that it is a significant upgrade that is realitively cheap to add to the current Scoutmasters. The kit includes a new flywheel which has the drive wheel attached. The motors have to be reversed which means they have to come out of the assembly, and 2 wires have to be transposed. He said the sound of the lower mids and bass is much improved (he said had the power and extensions of the best CD), whereas the highs are retained as vinyl. The upgrade he suspects will be about a year in coming (I spoke to him on the last days of 07 - did he mean in a week in 08).