New analog system disappoints, please help


I recently decided to get back into analog after a long break. Being on a budget I bought a used system from a local seller. The system consists of a J A Michell Gyro SE with DC motor, SME 309 tonearm and Transfiguration Spirit cart. I also bought a new old stock, factory sealed Plinius Jarrah phono stage. The Gyro, 309 and spirit where all purchased new in 2002 from a L.A. area high-end dealer and set up for the original owner in his home. They have remained there undisturbed and virtually unused since (maybe 15 to 20 hours total use)

After getting it all home I set up the turntable on a carefully leveled rack and tried the bounce test for the suspension. What I got was more like the Jello jiggle than a nice verticle bounce. I followed the instructions I found online for adjusting the suspension (several times) and although not perfect the bounce is much better. I have not touched the tonearm/cart alignment as I know little about this. I left the Jarrah set to factory default high output and adjusted the loading to 100ohms (recomended for the spirit)

After a 24hr burn in for the Jarrah I started to listen to some LP's. The sound is not bad, there is nothing obviously wrong but it sounds slightly recessed, flat and lifeless. I guess I was expecting more even from a relatively modest system like this. It doesn't "blow away" my digital source.

The rest of my system consist of Art Audio VPS DM pre, Art Audio Diavolo amp, Lector CDP-7T-MKIII and Spendor sp100 speakers. Cables are a mix of Nordost Valkyra and Quattro fil.

Any suggestions, incite or setup help would be greatly appreciated.

Assuming the phono preamp is set properly, I would check the cartridge alignment first. Slight tweaks in this area can result in huge benefits to or reductions in sound quality. Difference between "well, sound is coming out" and "WOW!" If you are not up to adjusting this yourself, you might want to take the table to a respected analog geek in your area for a look see.

Idea that the system is not fully broken in yet is also a possibility. A set up like the one you describe should sound different from your digital source and in some ways much better.
In general good responses so far. Cartridge loading is a relatively subtle matter and while it's important to get it right, it's not going to make the huge difference you're looking for.

I'd carefully look at your VTF - is it correct? I would err on the high side - and look at the phono pre, as people suggest. And wait for cartridge break-in (could be as high as 100 hours - I'm not familiar with the Transfigurations).

It's true that the 'blowing away' language is overblown, but you should be able to hear an improvement in warmth, musical involvement and palpability over your digital setup. I suspect either VTF, a cartridge/phono pre mismatch, cartridge break-in, or all three.
if the stylus or cantilever is damaged or dirty you might address this problem 1st. the only fatal flaw i ever encountered was ANY contamination/smutz on the needle, no matter how minute. it would be helpful to experiment with another cartridge- it can even be a fairly cheap one. otherwise, the sound should be wide open, with the obvious limitations of a tonal imbalance from the vta being off.
From the hi fi+ review of the Spirit:
"Output is healthy and loading is fine at the popular 100ohm value. Tracking should be set at 2g, but you'll need to set the bias by ear, as even slight adjustments around the 2g mark made obvious differences to the focus and transparency of the sound. Finally the Spirit is the most VTA sensitive cartridge I have come across. Seemingly insignificant changes in arm height can have a huge impact on the sound quality and especially the sense of life. Precise VTA adjustment is a must, and you should take that into account when considering arm matching."
Although adjusting the spring tension on your Gyro for proper "bounce" should not change the relation of the arm/cartridge to the playing surface, I would look at the VTA first, and other alignment issues next. High gain on the Jarrah and your loading should be fine for the Spirit.