walker proscenium

just heard a walker proscenium turntable at lloyd walker's. fantastic it was as if you could hear from in side the music as if you were there. at present i have a vpi hrx with a dynevectoy xv1s cart and thor pre phono. krell evo 202 pre amp krell evo 600 mono amps B&W 800D speakers quality cabling no major high end($). his just blows mine away. my question is it the parts, the whole, the way its set up or what? is it possible that his turntable can make that big of a difference as he says? thanks for you thoughts p.kogan
Dear Koegz: I heard three different systems using the Walker TT, all those three systems sounds good but different: because the audio items/room are different each other.

There is no doubt about the high quality performance of the Walker unit but as Tbg point out: " is but one of the elements " and IMHO certainly not the most important one in the quality sound reproduction.

You was hearing a very good set-up and I assume with a room integration at very good level. The question could be: what if you change the TT? which one could make a difference?, hard to say because with other TT the XV-1 has to meet a different tonearm and this subject is critical.

I think that at that very high quality performance level the real difference is in each one of us, in what are our audio/music priorities and in our trained ears/brain that is unique/belongs to each of one of us not to other person and that tell us what we prefer: the synergy between the audio system and YOU.

Unfortunatelly many of us can't have the opportunity to " live " in the long run with that kind of system to know if in the long run it is what we are looking for.

Anyway the Walker is one of the top TT out there and always receive very high praises any where, it can't be in other way.

Regards and enjoy the music.
I guess I don't write well. I was in no way dismissing the Prosenium tt. I did not have the version with the new arm, but it certainly was an outstanding tt. I merely mean that Lloyd is a genius in putting together a system and tweaking it to perfection. I set up my own tt as I am quite distant from Lloyd. I am sure I never heard it at its best.
Raul,"certainly not the most important one in the quality sound reproduction".....I understand your underplaying a "front end" of this quality based on your general comments,but you miss some of the aspects of this table/arm's performance specifications,that surely "matter",and BIG time!
We are talking of the exact "s-p-e-c-i-a-lt-y" that has made you the Info-maven in all things analog...."the front end"...Where is Ivor Tefenbran(spelling?)?
I simply have to assume that any owner of a Procenium is going to have the rest of the system pretty well under control.That being said,this is the "starting place" for the "delicate" signal,as you have called it.
How can it NOT be of paramount importance in influencing the envelope of a "really" good system?
Look at the aspects of this design,as it relates to spinning a "good" LP!
Ultra massive construction,ultra "low resonant" material composition(boy do I,now,know how important that is),an air suspension and an air bearing(NO RESONANCES),a superb linear arm,that has been greatly improved,and as I understand you can run the ultra high purity phono lead directly to the phono connection,of phono stage,whereas some folks actually directly solder this connection.WHEW!!!!
I have never heard a set-up sporting this front end,that did not directly reflect the absolute superiority of such a design!
It influenced the system performance characteristics greatly.Unless,of course the discs stunk.Possible,in some circumstances! -:)
I know you were trying to be even handed,in your comments,so please take mine in good spirits. -:)

your writing is perfectly clear. One excellent component does not a system make.
Dear Sirspeedy: +++++ " How can it NOT be of paramount importance in influencing the envelope of a "really" good system? " +++++

This was not my statement, please read again my post. Of course that the TT is very important and certainly the Walker " is more important ".

Regards and enjoy the music.