Do you have any suggestions?

I currently have a NAD amp, and bookshelf, Triangle Titus speakers. I use a simple sony CD player, and have a nakamichi tape deck. Im interested in purhcasing a record player as its the only media I am missing. I have never owned one before, and have no record, but have heard and appreciated their warmth. I was wondering if it is possible to find something of decent quality that will last, and will be worth while for $300 or so. Any suggestions? Your thought and time is greatly appreciated.
I have a Pro-ject RM-5 and like it a lot. Purchased it new from the Needle Doctor.
Try a used Thorens TD 160 or even a TD 150($200 - $250) and a Shure M97xe cartridge ($53 at come up all the time here and on e-bay. Great value and terrific sounding.
"Im afraid that these low end turntables are going to sound really tinny and cheap"

the issue is often not so much "tinny" as muddy, although id you're really lucky you can have both. ;-)
Hey Knot, You have no experience and limited budget so pursue used and resell at a slight or no loss if you do not like results, vinyl can sound pretty good on a tight budget but you cant buy miracles for that amount.
hey knot,
i am new to the vinyl thing. my dad gave me his old linn lp 12 i put a a blue point special evo 3 on it and bought the 150.00 parasound pre amp. you would not believe the great sounds i get out of this little budget system.