Koetsu Urushi+SMEV anti skating setting help

Koetsu does not provide any recommendation on anti skating and as there is "rich" debate on methods: traditional AS=VTF, VDH's 1/3 formula, test records, WallySkater...I would really, really appreciate any help on this issue because, honestly, I am not ready to listen to buzzings or buying expensive "three times in a life" gauges.
Many thanks in advance for your help
Many thanks Kostas
This is the kind of answer I was expecting when starting this thread: the experience of a colleague showing me the way. I have been loving Koetsus for a long time but this is the kind of audio product pushing the user, providing no recommendations at all, towards the subjetive (and usually obsessive) setup school. Ok, many can say this is the core business of our hobby, or the basis to keep alive our endless open discussion: " if I like it...", I would say.
Dear Kostas
By the way, are you using the silicone fluid damping of your SME V with the Urushi?
Hi Agondgd
I use a very small amount of damping fluid. Run without first and see how it sounds...I don't think the difference is huge.. If you like the undamped sound then stay with it unless you feel it is too lively.


I checked with SME regarding the amount of anti-skating force which is actually applied in the SME V when setting the A/S dial to the same number as the VTF dial. I was told that the amount of force is about 1/12 that of the VTF. That should give you some idea about little is needed.
Very interesting approach indeed!Many thanks for having gone that far in your thread help. In the next days I have the intention to post my system as a Virtual System just to share with you all the results of my "Winterreise"...