Galibier owners How do you like your music now?

Galibier Design owners.
What prompted you to purchase one of these tables?

What did you own for a turntable and arm prior?

Overall,how did you find Galibier to deal with?

What brand of arm are you using with yours?

I am considering the Gavia model with the Serac platter and Tri-planer arm.

Many Thanks for your comments.
Hi Stiltskin,

I couldn't be happier with Galibier Gavia, which I've had for about 18 months. To make the story short, my decision process lead me to consider both the Teres and Galibier based on value, quality, and speed stability. It was my fortune to have heard Doug Deacon's Teres 320 while searching for my last table. At the time I owned a Basis 2500 with Vector Model 1 tonearm and what I heard from Doug's 'table really helped me to decide that these two 'tables where for me. The mylar tape drive is much better than any other belt drive I've heard. The mass-loaded design also works for me. I have no need for a suspended table.

I traveled out to Denver and met both Thom Makris and Chris Brady, heard their products and still came away hard pressed to make a choice between these two brands. They have many similarities and a few minor differences. Both Thom and Chris are very knowledgeable and excited about their respective products. It really came down to a coin toss, figuratively speaking.

I honestly feel that not only have I purchased a fantastic product but also made a good friend in Thom. He kept me updated on the progress of getting the machining and anodizing on my order with regular phone calls and emails. Yes it took a few months to receive my Gavia but I know that Thom was looking to ensure that things came out to his high standards. I'm absolutely satisfied and a very happy Galibier owner.
Dan ed
Thank you for your response.
It was Doug Deacons suggestion I look into this line of tables acouple of weeks ago.

I'm up here in the Great White North.
Getting to hear a Galibier table in a system could be remote.
Though I have e-mailed Thom Makris asking if any of his customers are in my neck of the woods that would be kind enough to invite me over for a listen.

I have one of Thom's earlier designs when he and Peter Clark were partners. Thom is one of the most knowledgable people I have met regarding analog and he has been a tremedous help in improving the sound of my system. When I first visited him to hear the table I was not only impressed by the sound of the table but by his passion for what he was doing. I have had this table for about 4 years and Thom has always been available to help if I had questions. Prior to this table I had a VPI HW19 with Kuzma Stogi arm. Thom's tables are far superior to the VPI I had. I am using a Schroeder reference arm which I was fortunate enough to get when the lead time was only 4-5 months. The Triplaner is a great arm and given the lead times on the Schroeder would be my top choice if I were buying now.
Hi Stiltskin,

Perhaps I can offer a different perspective as a customer who has purchased and is awaiting delivery of a Galibier turntable.

Like Dan ed, I went out to Denver during RMAF so that I could audition my 'last turntable'. During the show, I narrowed my choices to the Teres Versus, the Galibier Stelvio and the Raven AC 3 motor. All are excellent and each has its own unique voice. As with any high quality hand-made product (cars, wine, etc.), the ultimate decision to purchase will be based on your personal aesthetic/taste.

After leaving the RMAF, I ultimately decided to purchase the Galibier. I can not tell you exactly just felt 'right' for me. Honestly, if I had to decide on another day, I might have gone with the Teres or the Raven!

For me, one of the unexpected highlights of the process was the opportunity to meet Jeffrey Catalano of High Water Sound who imports the Raven, Chris Brady of Teres and Thom Mackris of Galibier. Analogue will always be viable as long as people like this are involved. If you have not already done so, please read Audiogoner's experiences with these gentlemen...they are universally positive. I can personally attest to their enthusiasm and willingness to spend time with a customer.

Before and during my purchase process, Thom has been an excellent communicator and quite helpful in making decisions related to the purchase (I am also buying a Triplanar arm and Dynavector cartridge. I plan to have a 2nd arm, the Schroeder Reference, which I am purchasing through Thom.) Thom's philosophy that the best tonearm for any individual is the one the he/she can be best interact with to produce the best sound certainly resonated with me (pun intended). I hope to take delivery in the next few weeks and one of the highlights will be Thom's installation. The purchase price of the Stelvio includes an on-site set-up. Critical to the installation is learning how to set up the table and optimize the arm/cartridge.

I hope to post a review of my initial experiences with the Stelvio/Triplanar/Dynavector in my system in the near future. I hope this helps in your decision making process.

Stiltskin i am half the way there with Tri Planar. I use an Aries 3 and see you are useing a VPI table. Tri Planar replaced my 10.5i. What a serious improvement in all areas. With just that move, you will be amazed.

I am also interested in Gavia also and sure will be following this thread.