I'm using the HomeTex brand, claiming 90,000 fibers per square inch. Mine hands are rough due to the dry weather in Colorado and these cloths actually grab hold of my skin. At Sam's I got 25, 12"X12" towels for under $10 (sorry, I forgot to pay attention to that, I just remember that it seemed like a really good deal).
Here's how I've modified my pre-play routine:
I use the ZeroStat to remove static, then clean the carbon fiber brush with a micro fiber cloth to remove residue from prior cleans, then I clean the record with the carbon fiber removing any visible loose pieces. Finally, I roll the micro fiber cloth and use the thick edge of the roll to clean the record again. This goes pretty quick and the records sound so good that I'm thinking that I don't need to go thru the Disc Doctor process. I'll experiment with that a little to see if there are further gains to be had.