Micro Fiber Cloth for Record Cleaning

Anyone using these? Someone on the Steriophile forum suggested that they're superior to carbon fiber brush. I bought a bag of 25 at Sam's today and started using them. They do indeed seem to get down in the groves. I played several brand new records which I hadn't scrubbed with Disc Doctor fluid and brushes and all were VERY quiet. I tried wiping the carbon fiber brush with micro fiber cloth and it did seem to clean the brush well, but the brush didn't grab into the grooves as well.

Be careful. One slipped out my hands and went spinning toward my one-hour old Sumiko Blackbird. Thankfully I grabbed the cloth before it wrecked the bird.

The micro fiber clothes (I use them on everything) are particularly good after steaming the record.
If it's good enough for a $300,000 car, it's good enough for my $30.00 record.

I use the MT-1000.

Stringreen & MikeinSac

Thanks you both for the assist. I've tried my own record cleaning solution based some threads here and videos on Youtube but I still have dust in the record grooves. I can see on the stylus that there is a little trail of dust or dirt after playing the records I've cleaned. I'm hoping the microfiber clothes can help. If not I''ll try steam cleaning as well. I saw one members steam cleaning video on youtube. Quite the process.

I'm trying to find a vacuum cleaner attachment so I can use my existing vacuum cleaner to get the dirt out of the grooves. I'm trying really hard to not have to buy a vacuum record cleaning machine.
Haven't tried myself yet, the best one now is supposed to be Tiger Cloth.