Da Vinci Grand referenzza toneram

Did somebody heard the new Da Vinci tonearm and how does it compare to the old one and to toher competitors 5IKEDA, Schrôder, Graham etc)
Thank you Thomas,

my TT is T-W Akustic Raven, driven by Air Tight ATM 3 ATE 2 ATH 2 with Kondo silver cables. Did you ever heard about HRS racks (I think of it only for my TT but 3300 $ ... I ask myself if it worth the buck
If you want something for under your TW. Silent Running Audio is the company you want to contact. The have a working relationship in developing a platfrom for under the TW.
OK thank you

a real temptation ! I think it can work fantastic, but so much expensive...
I have just ordered the new one from Sorasound. Will take a few weeks to arrive. I was planning to buy the Schroder initially, however, I have been trying to reach the Gentleman for over 6 months. He doesnt reply to emails, and there is just no way to contact him.

I cannot imagine what kind of service I will get if there was ever a problem or question with the arm.

So..... if my business is no good to him........I'll take the Da Vinci route. At least they're professional and reply to emails.