VPI Periphery Ring / Center Weight

What benefit have you noticed by adding this to a Scoutmaster? Is it worth the price? What about for someone who doesn't have any warped records, is it still worth it?
I found that the benefit was immediate when I installed the ring/clamp on my Scoutmaster. However, even greater improvement is gained from the SDS. Dollar for dollar, I would get the SDS before the ring/clamp. Mass is important for damping, but correctly maintained speed produces a greater listening improvement, believe it or not. I believe that the best order for the improvements on Scout types is 1st SDS, 2nd Ring/clamp and 3rd Mini footers. In fact, don't buy the mini footers ( the cost vs the improvement is too great)and save up for the super heavyweight platter. I have the footers and am now saving for the platter (greater mass/damping/flywheel effect is the name of the game).
You are correct. The mini-footers are okay but a superior suspension such as my Townsend seismic sink made a huge difference, the difference between an also ran and a high end turntable. I own both the VPI Sama (for 78s) and a VPI TNT VI superplatter, SDS, periphery ring. Now the rim drive should help with superior speed stability (although the latest belts and SDS provide .01 long term speed changes over 20 minutes). The speed itself should be extremely tight with the rim drive and add bass dynamics. Will it positively affect tonal balance? I have to hear it first. The rim drive is another advance for VPI tables.
The gain in speed stability from a drive controller is unrelated to the benefit of rim-drive. Rim drive improves speed stability relative to belts by reducing compliance at the physical interface between the drive system and the platter. Rim drive is theoretically better than elastic belts in resisting modulations in stylus drag excited by musical transients. A drive controller cleans up the sinewave to the motor. The respective improvements in stability are unrelated but cumulative.

VPI's rim drive is a hybrid of belts and rim drive, with a flywheel that gives up some of its advantage due to larger circumference & slower rotational speed, and a theoretical higher noise level induced by the flywheel in contact with the platter. Time will tell whether this is a net improvement.