Hello Doug, I presume you posted a link to Raul's posts, correct?
Well, I do very much like what Raul says, and I personally find that virtually all of what Raul has ever contributed to this forum is highly valuable, and helpful. My hat's off to you Raul!
But why Raul fails to mention, like, or suggest in any of his posts, any of the Shure V-15 Cartridges is beyond me?
While I can probably not ever claim to be in a class of you Doug, or Raul in experience with so many different, very costly Catrridges, or ever give precise accurate information about the many things "analog, I do have a considerable amount of experience with Shure MM Cartridges, mainly the V-15 Series, I've owned a number of Type III, and in fact still own my 35 year old original, bought new, and now sports a Jico SAS Stylus.
This is used on a spare mint Denon DP-2550/Grace DA-307 Table of mine. I've had literal 1000's of hours placed on this very Cartridge, as well as other V-15's I've owned, and this particular Cartridge is now on its fourth Stylus! Therefore, I'd like to say, my claims are not from hearsay, other's advice, or claims, but my own personal experiences over the many years I've been into analog. I first started this quest in 1972. As Doug Knows, I now sport a ZYX Airy 3X on a VPI Table. A great Cartridge that gets beter every time I play it.
I've heard numerous V-15's in other's systems, find many of my friends still use this Cartridge happily, and swear by it's sound.
By no means trying to barge my way into this discussion claiming I'm some authority, but this is one way to get excellent sound, superb tracking, and value, at a very meager price. Mark