I own the Jolida Music Envoy preamp, in which the phono stage is identical to the JD-9A. It's actually a hybrid unit (thanks Piedpiper! :-) ) with an op-amp gain stage and a tube follower. I love mine - dynamic, great detail, and dead quiet even at the highest gain setting. Good loading flexibility, and plenty of gain so you won't need a step-up.
If you're considering a low output Dyna, the Jolida would work great, but you might also want to consider the Dyna P-75 mkII. I haven't heard one, but it's supposed to have fabulous synergy with all the Dyna cartridges.
If you're considering a low output Dyna, the Jolida would work great, but you might also want to consider the Dyna P-75 mkII. I haven't heard one, but it's supposed to have fabulous synergy with all the Dyna cartridges.