Benz Ebony LP loading

Has anyone experimented with the loading of the LP? It says greater than 500 ohm. The Ayre K1xe can do 499 ohms, but I'm thinking that may be too tight. Has anyone done any experimenting??
If you don't know if it could sound better... it probably can! But that's the point, you haven't tried any other loading options.
When I first had the Benz LP new, I used 390 or 410 I forgot what the Aesthetix IO setting was, however I now use 1000ohms and it seems to work perfectly. I have not tried higher numerically numbers since the 1000 seems fine to me.

The users manual states >500 to 47K ohm.
I am using the 499 ohm resistor in the Ayre. After checking I noticed the cartridge was a cats whisker off of the exact setting of the overhang template. I can't believe that such a small correction could improve the sound so much!
once the LP it's broken in, I think you'll find that higher is better, more like 2k and up.
I was using a fixed loading of 470 ohms. Both my Ruby2 and LP were at this. My room is very HF unfriendly and I can't get rid of the over strident HF no matter what I do. I tried a few different phonostages and always seemed to prefer 200-300 ohms. THEN, I recently picked up a PH5. Amazingly I prefer wide open at 47K. Why? I find the bass is superior at this setting and therefore the HF's are a bit easier to tollerate now that the LF's are more prevelent. 1000 ohms isn't bad but it can cut the bass slightly whle leaving the HF intact. The Benz Lukachek is set to 20K if I remember right. Which explains why it had greater bass. A friend of mine bought my Ruby 2 and runs it at 47K (no choice). His room is very HF friendly. I never heard my Ruby2 sound so good on top. So really it's system/room dependent but if you have a chance to try a phonostage that allows 1000 or more try it out. The LP loves to run more towards wide open.