Thanks for the information on the LP. Because of you, I am running it now at 47k. The bass and mids are much better, but the highs are much too strident now. I touched base with Ayre the other day who is sending me a few different loads to try. This cartridge is a trade up. I had a Benz Ebony H in there before. Let me tell you that it was absolutely gorgeous. Everything was right about it, but piggy me thought the low output LP was going to be even better. Oh if I could have my H back (some lucky guy bought it from me here on A-Gon.) Maybe the LP isnt broken in yet. I have a Superscoutmaster with the 10.5i arm on it which is a breeze to adjust the VTA. The arm's been going up and down for a month now without the rightness I heard with the H. I'll report back when I get the other resistors. Thanks again.