VPI vacuum too much??

Ran a couple records with my new 16.5 yesterday. When I run the vacuum it overpowers the turntable and quits turning, unless I slightly push on the head of the tube holder. Is this normal when it's new?

Make sure the arm tube is turned a tiny bit clockwise in the arm tube holder, so when your vacuuming the opening angled slightly towards the back. You want the fabric riding on the lp. This may or maynot be your problem just a guess.
I have had 2 units, I know your issue is resolved but my second one shipped with one of the platter screws loose, if it ever happens, remove the small cork center cover gently then pull platter and tighten........5 minutes back in business.
Stltrains, Jsa, and Chadnliz....Thanks for the extra tips...will file these away in case it occurs again and it's not the same issue....