Stand out phono stages

This topic has been started before by others and myself as well, maybe too many times, but it is worth revisiting since the source is so very important!
So far I have had the pleasure to enjoy two worthy phono stages: the EAR 834p and the JLTI.
I have to admit they are spectacular. Obviously the record and all the equipment downstream play a role in the sound heard. In some cases I prefer the JLTI and in other cases the EAR. But neither out do the other dramatically.
What phono preamps outshine others by a big margin, those that can be considered the last phono preamp ever needed.
Hi all, Alas I have not much to offer regarding the comparitions but I am 'in'the ASR for more then 10 years. Ie before H.Pirson heard about ASR. I was much impressed by Banpukus (12.14.07) story even if my actual Basis Exclusive is the so called 'gold version'. What I can say
is about the the durability ,reliabilty and the ease of use of this phonopre. Two independent phono-pres actualy. In those 10 years I have had not an single problem with non of the different 'versions'. I own also the Emitter II
Exclusive ( and owned 2 earlier versions) and had never any problem with them. My nick -name for all those ASR's
is :'the German artillery'.
JLTI, with a new preamp this phono stage has the opportunity to shine. Works well with calypso.
There are 120 inputs for this subject and I have read over 40. Everyone has their opinion of what they think is the best Phono Stage, I got a kick reading some of these, some of the guys say they have a so and so Phono Stage and nothing can top it; itÂ’s the best. Well in my opinion all you guys are right, what you own is the best. I own one of the latest AR Stages and I think it is the best, that is; it is the best for me.
What ever Phono Stage you own if it is a good match for the rest of your equipment and when you listen to your favorite music it thrills you as it does me then you have the best Phono Stage; Bar None.
There is so much really great sounding equipment that there is no such thing as any one being the best and I am sure all you real audiophiles know that.
Thefile you da' man!

Can we PLEASE dispense with the word "best?" It's so tiring, monotonic and uniformative. More inquiry, less advocacy.

Ah... Stevecham... you wrote...

>>Can we PLEASE dispense with the word "best?" It's so tiring, monotonic and uniformative. More inquiry, less advocacy.<<

and I see by your profile you are registered as living in the USA, but you know not being a maximizer... not being partisan... not arguing "the best"... ah surely you know that's distinctly unAmerican... that it takes an intelligence that tolerates and appreciates the subtleties inherent in complexity rather than mere dualities of best and either-or ... that rich complexity which we as Americans are woefully intolerant of and impatient with... ah, if wishes were horses etc...

sigh... I agree with your point... let's make it so!

:) listening,
