Have you bought your ultimate phono stage, or are you still looking? I only ask this because there comes a time when you simply have to commit and buy. I heard the top of the range all KSL system where the speakers were wired with either KSL or Audio note cable - I recall that it had had rave reviews by Roy Gregory on HiFi plus - whose opinion was very relieable for about the first 4 - 5 years of the magazine. I absolutely hated the whole system - very syrupy sweet and soft. Likewise I heard the full Zanden sytem powering some Avalon Speakers (which I have heard in other systems) and again soft and lacking drive IMHO. At the other end of the spectrum there is the original Tom Evans Groove that I tested in my system a number of years ago, and I absolutely hated it. I spoke to Martin Collums once and he told me that this search for the single ultimate is difficult becassue we are sensitive to different aspects of sound - some are timing sensitive (like me) so infinite baffle speakers/electrostats for me -others are frequency sensitive so supertweeters for them...
As this is a forum you will and have received several opinions that are all valid, and help provide good suggestions.
For my part I was very impressed with the Whest Reference, whilst I do not dislike valves, with the exception of VTL's they always have a certain sound that adds a golden sheen to the sound which I find not to reflect real live sound.
I am told that the all time greatest solid state phono stage is the 'air dialectric' mares - which became the Connoisseur and is regrettably no longer manufactured - rare as hens teeth, but snap one up they are offered for sale - you won't lose a penny on re-sale
As this is a forum you will and have received several opinions that are all valid, and help provide good suggestions.
For my part I was very impressed with the Whest Reference, whilst I do not dislike valves, with the exception of VTL's they always have a certain sound that adds a golden sheen to the sound which I find not to reflect real live sound.
I am told that the all time greatest solid state phono stage is the 'air dialectric' mares - which became the Connoisseur and is regrettably no longer manufactured - rare as hens teeth, but snap one up they are offered for sale - you won't lose a penny on re-sale