My mom was into music and had 78's. I enjoyed the music she had and for Christmas 1964, Santa brought me portable 45 player. My paper route money went into 45's at the local Five & Dime. A few years later, my parents bought a Grundig stereo console (AM/FM/TT). By this time, 33's were in and 45's were begining to loose ground. For me, with the Grundig, that was like jumping from Bose 901 speakers to Intuitive Design Denali's. The music was teriffic & sounded great & it could go LOUD too. At 18, I saved up enough to buy a Fisher 400 AM/FM Receiver (which I still have), AR speakers and a Garrard SL-95B TT w/Pickering V15 cartridge. I was amazed/happy/proud of my system then. My 33 collection was expanding (still have all) and within a year, went into the military and had my first taste of PX stereo gear after I had been in-country a few months (Vietnam). At that time, when I could visit the large Saigon PX; it was audio heaven. Akai, Teac Reel-to Reels, hudge Sansui 5500 speakers (200+ pounds), you name it, the PX had it or could get it. Within a few years, I was assigned to Okinawa -- the Japanese were flourishing in their talents with Sansui, Teac, TASCAM, Akai, Pioneer, Marantz, Technics, etc. Bought a Dual 1229 TT, Bose 901's (still have), Bose 1801 amp, Teac 3340 R-R, Akai GX-400D R-R (still have). Continued to buy 33's and some albums on R-R tapes (still have about 30). Assignment to the Philippines just when CD's were coming out, I transformed into that format as it was the new wave in audio. Bought a Nakamichi OMS-7 CD player in the PX & stayed with that format for 15 years; playing vinyl now and then, but the CD was convenient and sounded better than my Dual 1229 that I had at the time. Fast forward for 2004, sent the Dual off to Joel at the TT Factory for refurbishing and bought a better Shure cartridge. Sounded darn good and better than the Nakamichi. At that point, it started my latest quest into where I am today --. I wish I had stayed with vinyl during the late 80's. I feel I missed out on owning some darn good albums (but I have them on CD). Now, if I want one of those era albums, in great shape, is costly.
I've enjoyed my audio travels and hope they, like yours, contain vinyl & continue.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy.
I've enjoyed my audio travels and hope they, like yours, contain vinyl & continue.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy.