I just received my MusicDirect catalog and noticed a new beltless rim drive from VPI. It looks like an "add on" to any VPI table with an outboard flywheel and is standard on the new VPI Reference Super Scoutmaster TT.
Is this belt-less approach similar to previous approaches to drive the platter? (e.g. idler wheel?)
Any info/guidance would be appreciated.
Of course "the verdict is still out" with regards to the VPI. I wish them success.
This is merely my opinion/observation with regards to my experience with both belt drive and idler wheel drive tables. It is obvious I am in favor of idler wheel. I have several Lenco tables and I have not had vibration problems. This is because I have "implemented a well designed" plinth and tweaks.
Is VPI, or Teres capable? Most likely. They have well qualified folks who know what they're doing.
I say give them a chance. They've come a long way when one considers they have sold some VERY expensive belt drives. This could be considered revolutionary, no?
Merely my opinion.
This could be considered revolutionary, no?


Could be....only time will tell.
I almost bought a Teres, but seeing how much adjustments one had to do as every LP was played, broke the deal.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean. I have used the same mylar belt on my Teres for about two years and have never had to adjust it in any way.

Belt slips= timing inaccuracy. Must then readjust belt, or string.

Again, I've never had to do this over two years of regular use.
I saw this when the MD rag came the other day and wonder Is this an advance for VPI or are they "Jumping The Shark"?
French_fries, I have been using either the Scoutmaster or SSM over the last four years. I have never powdered either of the belts, and sound stage is really good. Also have not heard any of the motor noise your talking about?? Or any noise at all.
Are you talking about the 2-3 seconds of low spin noise when the motor is turned on? I have not had any of the problems your talking about.
The new table looks interesting. It looks like we should be able to switch our motors over to the rim drive. But doubt I will. I already use the super platter, and will probably get the feet in the future. the 10.5i arm looks interesting too.