Largest Impact - Arm or Cart?

So, I'd like to upgrade my arm or cart.

If you had an Orgin Live Encounter tonearm and a Benz M2 (.8mv MC) cart and $1,000 burning a hole in your pocket, what would you do and why?
I've got an Incognito-wired Rega RB250 arm with Michell Tecnoweight and Tecno VTA adjuster and it sounds great with the Benz Reference 3. That said, I would trade you for your OL Encounter and Benz M2...
Your system doesn't show a Record I would vote for a record cleaner first and then you might consider the magnetic bearing upgrade for your Clearaudio Table.
I'm not sure you're going to get a big upgrade from the Origin for $1K. Perhaps a used Graham?

However, you could get a BIG sonic upgrade by moving to a better cartridge. There are plenty of candidates at $1K, but I'd personally buy one new rather than used.