5751 Triple Mica - really that good?

I have a Jolida JD-100 cd player with Parts Connexion level 1 mods, plus addt'l mods. I've tried Mullard and Telefunken 12AX7 tubes and do like the overall sound. I've been considering triple mica 5751 tubes, thinking it will take the overall sound up another level, but they are costly IMO relative to what I've paid for the 12AX7 tubes.

Are they worth it? Anyone with a JD-100 have experience rolling tubes including 5751s?


I neglected to say how the Sylvania 5751 black plate trip mica sounded. I agree with the others posting that they sound most excellent.
5751's can sound great. But, don't fall into the trap of assuming that ANY 5751 will sound better than a good 12ax7 simply because it's a 5751. I have tried countless 12ax7 variants and while I really like my GE, Sylvania and Raytheon triple mica 5751's, I always go back to Telefunken 12ax7's. Good luck.
Agreed, and highly system dependent. Tubes, like cables and tweaks are the audiophile's last bastion of tone control(s).
Have a look at my virtual system. I've some comments on 5751 that I've tried.