I would go for the VPI. There are many advantages to the VPI. It has a platter and washes right side up!
You can scrub with the fluid/brush of choice and then rinse with distilled water if required. The NG washes upside down and there is no way scrubbing manually. You cannot see what's going on. I have gone through 2 NG machines (2.5fi) without getting any good success. I cannot and would not recommend. Just got a VPI typhoon a couple days ago. What a difference.
You can scrub with the fluid/brush of choice and then rinse with distilled water if required. The NG washes upside down and there is no way scrubbing manually. You cannot see what's going on. I have gone through 2 NG machines (2.5fi) without getting any good success. I cannot and would not recommend. Just got a VPI typhoon a couple days ago. What a difference.