Zu OMEN - hmm

I might still be under the influence of the open baffle Spatial Hologram I heard at CAS14 earlier this month... wow! Top sound in my (and my friend's) book. Or the Magico S5 room (omg is that resolution level for real? you can hear the grass grow through those things).

I went to the Zu room as well - hoping to hear some well setup Zu speakers and learn about the right way to do it - but the sound was awful (sorry Sean) so I did not bother asking.

Yesterday I ran into a video advice on "setup tips with Seam Casey from Zu Audio". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MCoKDfdxzDg

Bingo! Now I will learn how to make my Omens sing - from the man himself.

What did Sean Casey say in the video? To stop tweaking the bottom gap, tilt and toe-in, stop adjusting them, stop doing all this nonsense that gets old fast. Why? because they already sound good right out of the box, that's why. Spend my money on music instead.

Hmm - what if they actually DON'T sound good? Is there some advice for that case? What if, after the 3 years I had them, many SS and tube amps, days of gap adjustment, tilt adjustment, swap of few speaker cables including Zu Libtec, what if they still sound like an amplified live event through a pro speaker on a stadium? (Incidentally - all adjustments do make a difference, but mostly between dull and blare. I know, I'm probably too harsh, but that video got me really upset).

I hope that my recent listening to real speakers at CAS will soon wear off so that I can return to living with my Omens that "sound good right out of the box".

Or I might have to buy the Holograms. The tough part would be to convince my medium-size dogs to stay away from those beryllium transducers located so close to the ground. Maybe if I throw in the Omens to sweeten the deal? That should keep them busy for about 3 years?

Choices, choices.
Changing speakers is the solution kindly offered by audiophile brethren. Thank you - I will.

Regarding the original post, so far nobody seems to find the dark humor in the "setup tips" from Zu.

Maybe is just me, but the "setup tips" seem to say to existing customers "you can't get any better. Please minimize disappointment. You got the Zu? Just live with it". But to someone who didn't already own the speakers, the video would say "they are what you wanted - regardless of your circumstances".

Interesting take on post-sales marketing. Post-sales, other companies might try to either a) actually help the customer, or b) get more money through upgrades, or c) simply pretend that the customer does not exist. Well - not Zu - the high-adrenaline marketing effort continues.
Chozdog I feel for you. I've never owned any Zu speakers but have had other brands that proved disappointing though others praised the performance. It's difficult to change speakers compared to other pieces, but it's time for you. Once you have gone through tubes and ss amps, that's good enough. Have you used amps recommended by Zu? That would be my only question.
Hi Foster_9,

Thank you. I did look for recommendations from others - most people use them with tubes (Decware). I used them with a Sophia Electric amp. I ended up using SS for what seemed best compromise to me. Zu brochure (and video :)) does indicate that they match equally well with anything... no specific brand needed according to all i read.

Just one more note - the video is funny as hell and worth watching even if you don't care about Zu. Just look at the host on the couch - visibly inconvenienced by the event. The sound coming through my laptop speakers is indeed awful - as one would expect over the internet in a home video, so that's ok... but Sean (as speaker designer) knows that, so when he says that the sound is great - who can contradict him? One clue can be the host: he seems unimpressed (vaguely nodding approval when prompted to show enthusiasm).

Ok, done.
I watched the video and it is hilarious on many levels.

From the first minutes, the lively room and echo is extremely obvious. That is a horrible room, so that should be addressed before going any further.

And Chuck certainly is Mr. Personality....

I saw no mention of outriggers. Having had speakers with a downfiring port, I don't know how you can optimize the downfiring gap on carpet without outriggers.

OTOH, the only thing that fixes is bass extension and the tonal balance that goes with it. If you have other problems consistently through all the changes you've made (cabling, component swapping, location, etc.) then these speakers are simply not for you.