Tube Tuners

What are you guys using for tuners? How many of you are using a Scott tuner?
I was wondering if anyone has input on the rebuilt Scott tube tuners,Mapleshade is pushing."They" make some pretty amazing claims,and I wonder if there is any validity to the promised performance.

the Mapleshade Scotts are very good. When it comes down to the fine points, matters of taste are always a factor though, IME.
Sirspeedy I have heard some negative things about the Mapleshades, I have two Scott tuners (LT 110-B) and (310E)my ide and joy. I am very lucky to have a Scott guru that lives here in my city, and does all my work on them. Once he does his thing with them they no longer need anything else done to them.
I had a "gorgeous" Kenwood L-O1T tuner,awhile back,that I hesitantly sold for 500 dollars.Ever since,and even with both CD and vinyl front ends,I still miss tuning through the wide variety of stations about.ESPECIALLY late at night!
Did I go wrong,selling it?....I think I know the answer!