What tonearms work with denon 103r?

Just received the 103r and it's still breaking in, but wondering how good can it get? I am using the graham 2.2 with some tweeks. It is too early to say but the grado circa $100 before the denon sounded better even though it was grainy. Should I add more mass to the arm? Not at liberty to spend a fortune on the arm just yet.
Stringreen, you and Raul should get along fine. :-)

I can disprove what you've said about poor dynamics and limited bandwidth within 10 minutes of listening to my stock 103r. But it is more than just having the cartridge attached to a good arm. The phono stage must be good as well.
The 103r is a great cartridge and easily smokes some of the very expensive Benz Micros (which are overrated by the way).
No Dan_ed, I'm already married. Regarding the Denon..I do have a good phono stage, and wonder why so many cartridges beat the pants off of the Denon. If you listen with open ears, you too will be disappointed in it. There are almost an infinite level of dynamics in real life, but Denons squash them considerably. ..and that's with one of the best phono stages and appropriate arm..just to name one disappointment
Audiofeil - I think you are correct regarding Benz's. I've been futzing with the Ebony LP for months now, changing every parameter and it really falls short. Its not that its bad, only there are better ones - even in the Benz line that are better. Too bad.