Lonely piece of marble: where should it go?

Greetings. Through some strange providence, I have assembled a decent entry-leveler. Consists of a Music Hall MMF 7.1 tt, Exposure 2010s integrated + power amps (one driving bass, the other treble), and nice, ugly Vandersteen 3a sigs. Good times! So, the sidewalk outside my Vermont home (circa 1865) is made of marble slabs. These get prised up and sometimes break when the sidewalk plows come through in the winter. I'm sure the town fathers hate this sidewalk and would not object to the fact that I STOLE one of the pieces of marble, because I'm sure they want to get rid of the crud anyway. Should I put it under my TT or halve it for the speakers?
You will never hear any difference in sound no matter what the "resonates at a high pitch" statement means.

At any rate, I doubt it's marble, would more likely be granite.

Something with that kind of mass is better put under your tt.
Marble can ring like a bell. It is wrong to equate mass (by itself) with damping. Many massive materials will transmit vibrations quite readily.
If you like the appearance of Granite and wish to use it you should damp it. EAR Isodamp material is available in large enough sheets to do the job. Michael Percy sells it if you're interested. A simple effective approach would be to use an MDF/Isodamp/Granite sandwich. This won't stop sound waves bouncing off the granite surface but it will effectively stop ringing.