Daer Syntax, if you hear and care to comment on sonic differences between different lenghts Grahams it would be greatly appreciated! :)
Oscilloscopium, your comment is particularly interesting to me, because I found I prefer my Omega on the T-P (VII though) and since I put it there I haven't bothered to experiment. I'll have to mount it on the Reed 2A and see how I like it now after I've lived with the T-P for some time. T-P does track it better and it sounds more weightier though.
Oscilloscopium, your comment is particularly interesting to me, because I found I prefer my Omega on the T-P (VII though) and since I put it there I haven't bothered to experiment. I'll have to mount it on the Reed 2A and see how I like it now after I've lived with the T-P for some time. T-P does track it better and it sounds more weightier though.