Deciding on a phono preamp

I have a Thorens TD160b MKII turntable with an Infinity Black Widow tonearm and a Grado Green cartridge. I think that I have had the turntable and tonearm since the early 80"s and the cardtidge since the late 90"s. I can't remember ever using this turntable let alone with any kind of a decent system so I have no idea what it actually sounds like or is capable of.

I now have a fairly decent solid state system that I am considering connecting it into however it lacks a phono input... don't they all now.

Preamp - Anthem AVM-2
Amp ATI 2000 series (200wpc)
Speakers Energy 2.3i
Sub 15" 500 watt sub (kind of home made).
Blue truth interconnects
Flexegy-6 River wire to the speakers

I am trying to get a feel for how much I should invest in the phono preamp.

I was contemplating just getting a preamp in the $100-$200 range but if the TT and arm are worth it I was thinking of moving up to something like the Pro-ject tube preamp and then getting another cartridge.

Any thoughs??
I'm using a Parasound zphono with my tube integrated Primaluna. Liked it better than the internal phono stage that was in the PL when i bought it. I have a Pro-ject Xperience 1 and have used a shure VMx15, Ortofon Super OM20 and a Grado Gold and they all sound great.

Someone recently on this board mention that going from the zphono up to the next step would require a phono stage costing about $600 to make a significant step up. I dont know. but this comes up alot.
you could look for in that price range an "Adcom" model 565 preamp.This is an excellent pre built with high quality parts and it's phono section is very quiet and quite the performer even compared to many very expensive units of the day.
I believe the model is the Adcom GFP-565 preamp this is a serious and well built preamp with a very good phono section.
Thanks for your responses.

Schipo - thanks for your response but I don't think that I want to get into another complete solid state preamp, the Anthem is sufficient at this time, if I did want to go this route I would likely go with a tube one.

Wwshull & Grinnell - I did look over the zphono and I am not completely sold on that one yet.

I am really leaning on going for the Pro-Ject Tube Box SE2 which is in $600 range new. What is good about this one is that for a tube preamp it can support both MM and MC cartridges. Although it doesn't look like the black widow is compatible with a MC cardtidge it would leave me room to move into one by getting another tonearm down the road
I would stronlgy suggest the Dynavector P75, either the older mark 1 or the newer one. I had the older version and it is a bargain as far as sound and adjustability. I think they sell for about $400.00 for the older one. They are very well built and don't take up much space. You will have to spend 3 or 4 times the price to better it by any margin.