Best Cartridges for the Money You've Experienced

I'd like to ask those of you who have tried many a cartridge over the years to nominate ones that you feel are among the very best and are available today, new or used, at a substantially lower price than most of today's reference-level cartridges. Feel free to mention great cartridges from years past that still show up now and then on Audiogon.

I currently have a Koetsu Rosewood Signature mounted on an SME-5 arm. I'd like to go up from there in sound quality without having to rob a bank.
Dear Pauly: Over the years I used several ones like: Dennesen, DB, Mobile Fidelity, ADC, SAEC, etc, etc.

Today that I'm using only removable headshell tonearms I'm using the one from Dynavector, Technics and Pionner, all these for the overhang and obviously are out of tonearm with the cartridge/headshell on " hand ": easy.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Shure V-15 Type III and Type V

both of these cartriges were purchased 30 years ago and they sounded great. I haven't heard one in over 20 years.
Having owned van den Hul, Benz, Koetsu, Shelter and Grado, I have concluded that Lyra makes the best-for-the-money catridges. I now own both a Helikon and an Argo i and they track like not others with those line contact styli.
Dear Kitch29: Well as a fact I did and that Grado ( The Tribute that is the one I own. ) is one of the stellar graded MM type cartridges.

Regards and enjoy the music.