Graham Phantom vs Triplaner

Wondering about the sonic traits of both these arms compared to each other.

- which one has deeper bass,
- which one has the warmer (relative) balance
- which one is compatible with more cartridges
- which one has the better more organic midrange
- which one has the greater treble detail.
- which one plays music better ( yes this is a more subjective question ).
- which one goes better with say the TW acoustic raven TT.
BTW Thomas,I believe I have on "many occassions" mentioned my superlative listening experiences with an air bearing parallel tracking arm!I mentioned that it was my "opinion" that anyone not hearing a superb set-up utilizing one,was missing something special!..I still believe this,but to infer that these differences,between the "absolute best" arms(take the 2.2 and SME off that list,and I owned both of them)will be HUGE is not the "complete picture"!
Though I miss my listening exposure to the air bearing design at my friend's home,that system employing a different and not quite as good arm,is still quite superb.By "any" standard,and trust me,it's owner is absolutely as critical as any here!!If anyone is so posessed of an opinion that this business of "super-arm" differences(though they DO exist) is something to get overly concerned about(at "this" level),then I think you are listening to the hardware too much,and not focusing on the music,like you could.I think there comes a point where over-analysis takes away from musical pleasure!I too like to gaze at the coolness of my set-up.
My own perspective,though I seem to get overly analytical at times,is we still split hairs a "bit" too much.
In truthfulness,when I was home sick awhile ago,and posted that long winded post about why I felt the Phantom had a better chance of outperforming the Triplanar(I spent my money on both)due to lower potential bearing noise,I NEVER really felt one would outpoint the other in any really meaningful way,that could NOT be compensated for elsewhere in the system!I bought what I preferred,but could EASILY have gone the other way,with a smile on my face,if "circumstances were different"!
BTW,Z,why do I get the distinct impression you are a fan of Dennis Miller? -:)

Sir, HUH? From what band? The comedian? Bill Maher, maybe. But I am a Republican. Plus, I write my own stuff. HA! I did it again! Onhwy is watching, so I have to be good. Jou got to splain it to me! (couldn't resist) Hey, I have something, give me a multisyllabic for DM's brand/flavor of comedy.

Down, Can I also mooch the 20/12 review? Please? It is too late now to go to Barnes & Noble, read it, then put it back on the rack.

Thomas, According to the comparo I just read, you are WAY non de rigeur. I would be willing, buddy, to help you out here; get a TT that accommodates a 12, and I send you a few bucks for the Basis. Just a peek at the altruist that is the ZIEMAN! LMK buddy, LMK. Z.
Sir, I know you added extra letters to anal, to be nice. Thanks. Perceptive. Analytical plus funny = smartass- get it? HA! How do I come up with this stuff!! Z