Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms

VPI was the only mainstream manufacturer for years, now we have 12 inch arms from
Kuzma, Schroder, SME, Consonance, Brinkman to name a few.

Why is this?? fad or long term

Would a 12ich Grahham, Triplaner or Basis be a better sounding product??
Inept, Show me the brakes. Seriously, I did finish 5th grade. Actually went a little bit further, let's just keep that between you and I. For at least my benefit, please demonstrate the criterea you use to make your diagnosis of my current malady. Any cars, planes, boats(!), trains, motorcycles, or any other thing that rotates, and is slowed or stopped by the use of drums? That was built in THIS CENTURY? I put the boat in there just in case you think they have "brakes" by ANY classical definition. My boat TRAILER does in fact have disc brakes on one axle. I missed the dynamics part, where was that? I swear I don't remember expounding on vehicle dynamics. I was saving that for another post! Can you cure this malady? Can you fix any of the other things that are wrong with me? Shall I make you a list?
Inept, I always liked: "If you think education is expensive, try paying for ignorance" Is that a "malady" as well?

Sir, the grandson thing was a rheto... something question. I can't spell it. It is too dynamic a word for me! Z.
Z,the "rheto" thing?I knew it!Give me a little more observational credit if you can.I'm not SO old to be "that" slow minded!! -:)
BTW,the "SIR" thing,as you apply it to me,is cute...BUT it would be more accurately used on Albert Porter.That fellow is "real" Royalty!!Classy too!
>>The Toyota Prius uses drum brakes<<

No doubt to keep the cost down.

That could be the only reason.