Why the sudden popularity of 12 inch arms

VPI was the only mainstream manufacturer for years, now we have 12 inch arms from
Kuzma, Schroder, SME, Consonance, Brinkman to name a few.

Why is this?? fad or long term

Would a 12ich Grahham, Triplaner or Basis be a better sounding product??
Remember it's not your experience that matters, it's how many toys you own.

The real high-end of Audio is rarefied indeed.
The vast majority of listeners will never be able to hear the true cutting-edge designs in their own systems, in their own listening environment.
If one were to evaluate advances in audio design by the satisfaction of the general user with his own set-up, then yes......Micro-Seiki and Technics and Pioneer would probably all figure prominently.
At most stages in my 30 year experience with audio, I have been ecstatic with my own system and found it hard to imagine how the sound could improve?........until I inserted something better.
And that something better was inevitably NEWER.
That doesn't of course mean that EVERYTHING newer is better.
I still have the same speakers I started out with 30 years ago simply because I can find nothing that sound remotely better.
I had my Regar Planar 3 turntable for 30 years (despite hearing Linns and Sotas) because nothing new sounded significantly better to me.
Similarly with my valve Kebschull pre-amp and Perraux power amp.
Even after buying the Halcro Pre and Power amps, I could still happily go back to my 30 year old Kebschull and Perraux which together with my speakers would put my system beyond yours in terms of antiquity.
What I could NOT happily go back to (now that I've heard the Raven with Copperhead)......is my Rega Planar 3 with Hadcock arm.
We are not saying that ALL new designs are better in Audio.
We are saying that truly BREAKTHROUGH designs and better DEVELOPED designs will enable a closer approach to the source than we have previously had.
And those who brush this off without the opportunity to hear for themselves, are merely penalising themselves needlessly.
Toys? Antiques? Artifacts from a previous generation? Physical evidence that proves just how far we have come with our hobby/avocation?

Sir, I believe Linears are/have benefitted from SOTA mat'ls and such as well. I'm saving my allowance as we speak. I am having difficulty with one decision: I could have many low value/quality tonearms and cartridges, or I could invest in one or two New High Performance arms and cartridges. Is your son going to many "crappy" med. schools or just a couple that are the best he/you could access? HHMMMM.... Z.
Halcro, If it's alright with you, I will just forward my thoughts to you in synopsis form. And let you eloquentize them. Your prose sir, and your (I need a word to put here) are well, really good. SOTA, if you will. Z
My son is two years out of med school and has promised to buy me the system of my dreams some day...Z!!With his med school debt,I'm not counting on it,and would gladly settle for a nice Barollo.-:)
My Siemens 6922's in phonostage)are as old as Methusala,but have not been matched.I've tried "everything" else!!
Like Halcro(almost),my Avalon Ascent MK-II speakers are seventeen years old(modded,and with the addition of a REL Stentor II sub,coming in at 24 hz),maintained to literally a museum standard,and are GORGEOUS to both hear,and behold(irridescent olive wood,unattainable today),and 460 lbs with two external 55 lb each crossovers!!!I have a penchant for "accurate" quality speakers,MUCH more-so than analog,even.Yet,these speakers(designed by Charles Hansen of Ayre)simply "kill" any new choices that would appeal to "me".Anyone having sold these off,for the newer replacements definitely have NOT heard what they are capable of,with todays better electronics...I've tried to find better,for me,but so far no-go!!Even my friend's Magico beauties fall short,in air,and what a true sculptured stage is!And I love those Minis!
The rest of my stuff is just about new,or mega modded,but this business of new as better I take with agrain of salt,when figured into a "total system package"!For my tastes.
Start the stone throwing...