Got a New CD Player and Now I'm Bummed

Hope to get some help here...I recently added an Esoteric X-03SE to my system the details of which you can see here. I've always been a huge fan of vinyl and have a large collection--many more LP's than CD's. The problem is my digital front end is now WAY better sounding than my analogue set up. (My last CD player, a Naim CDX2, was about on par with my table--better in some areas, not as good in others). I'm finding myself listening to many more CD's while my LP's are dying for attention. I never thought this would happen to me! So, now I'm faced with upgrading my analogue to the point of parity (or better?) with my digital. (Wierd, right?). I could use some suggestions. One limiting factor is the overall height of the new analogue set up cannot be much taller than what I have since it needs to sit on a wall mount shelf that fits inside our entertainment center. So, I need a table/arm/cartridge set up that sounds DRAMATICALLY better than my Scout/JMW9/Dyna 20XM but doesn't need a ton of head room. What do you think I need to spend to get significantly better performance than what I have already? What would you all suggest for a new analogue front end? I'm thinking a Scoutmaster, Sota Cosmos or perhaps going back to an LP 12 with works. Ideas? Thanks!
Just leave everything as is and wait for a few months. Listen and enjoy. Your opinion may shift over time. Is there any real reason to make a quick change?
I agree just wait... Heightened expectations and the thrill of new gear can skew thoughts and opinion in comparing gear. As the new gear settles in and you get accustom to it your point of view may shift.

Sometimes the fact that something sounds different is heard as sounding better when it may not in reality. Time has a way of being more fair and/or critical to new gear vs older gear.
I'll wager half your TT problem is that pretty cabinet. Even if you're married to the entertainment center, you might try resiting the TT on an experimental basis.