Quadraphonic L P played with a 2 chan. cart.

This may sound like a stupid question since I grew up in the 70's when quadraphonic recordings and equipmnet were around, but as I am getting older my memory is really begining to suck. Anyway, I am interested in purchasing a Japanese quadraphonic recording of rare LP and I can not remember if the cartridges were 4 channel or not. Thus; can a stereo cartridge process the information on the LP at least the front two channels?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xconservi
This thread brings to mind one of the first foray's into stereo I remember. It was a tonearm that became 2 arms at the cartridge end. You put in 2 monophonic cartridges and it used special records - one channel on the 1st half of the LP, and the other channel on the other 1/2. The arm tracked both channels at the same time. It looked like a snake with 2 heads. I believe the arm and the records were manufactured by Cook.
I still use a Lafayette SQ quadrafonic decoder for the few QS records that I have. I also use it for a way to 'simulate' rear channel information for ambiance effect. There has been no damage done to the original SQ 4-ch recordings by using an 'ordinary' 2-ch phono cartridge - in my case, either the B&O MMC3 or Sumiko Bluepoint special.

Fear not, play away.

Bob P.
Eldarford, I believe the quad LP system, which uses a FM signal, to which you refer, was the JVC CD-4. It was arguably better than the SQ & QS systems, but at least, as you said, it improved the high frequency tracking of cartridges to this day.
Inpepinnovations...I also used a Lafayette SQ-L decoder, which is now in my collection of defunct audio stuff. It was probably the best of all the logic decoders. Mine is all discrete components and must have cost much more to build than the $99 I paid for it when it was discontinued. My guess is that the circuit was a prototype that they intended to implement in ICs. I modified it a bit and used it as my preamp for several years. It had a bit of gain which made this practical.
To all that responded or interacted to my initial inquirey:

Thanks; I am always amazed at the level of knowledge and interaction amongst the members here on Audiogon. Although, I am relatively new as an audiogon member and a novice to the level of information on the subject of audio equipment and its theory which the body of menbers have attained; I hold myself out as a 70's student who is willing to learn.

