Is turntable == phono stage == cartridge right?

Is this the preferred upgrade path still?

I've only owned three record decks in 30+ years as a music lover. I'd rather buy LP's than buy equipment!

Each of my two Thorens decks I had for about 15 years each. About 4 years ago, my wife gave me a Scoutmaster for an anniversary present, but I'm thinking of moving on. I admire the Scoutmaster, but I don't enjoy my music on it as much as I used to, despite its clear advantages for noise and detail compared to my old (very old) Thorens decks.

Current system is Scoutmaster w. Shelter 501 and Benz Lukaschek phono stage. And about 1500 mostly classical LP's. Oh, and a VPI record cleaner which to date was my best-ever analog purchase!

If I'm budgeting about $5-7k, where would my money best be spent for upgrading? I assume I should be looking for a new turntable? Recommendations?

Thanks for borrowing your experience!
Scoutmaster is a great table, no need to replace it. I also think that the Benz Lukaschek might be your problem. Also, what are the rest of your system? Problem could be somewhere down stream.
If your Scout has the 10.5 arm, outer ring, super platter, SDS then you have exhausted it possibilities. Once all the latter is in place, then change the cartridge. If that does do it, you need to move up to a walker, assuming a small inheritance has come your way.
For that money, you could get a better arm, phono stage and cart, especially if you sell off your existing ones.
D: Keep the Scoutmaster , invest in a excellent phonostage and re-examin the platform that supports the turntable. Consider investing in a "Voice" Cartridge by Soundsmith ($1,500) one of the finest ever made. Invest in a hand held Steam Cleaner and practice the steam cleaning method ... Save the rest of your $$$$$ for LPs. All the Best