Phono Amp Recommendations

I'm going to be setting up a second analog system and will need a good phono amp. My primary phono amp is an Artemis Labs PL-1 and I do like it a lot so comparison to this phono amp if you've heard it would be useful.
The budget is about $2K and I'd like it to have some fairly easy variety in loading and maybe gain as well although I'm into low gain cartridges. I'm considering a Statement Grado for the second system although I haven't made up my mind and am also thinking Koetsu.
I like to make my dollars count so I'm open to used or I'm pretty accomplished diy. I was looking at kandkaudio phono amp but so far my e-mail questions haven't been answered so...?? What do you recommend?
Try calling Kevin at K&K on the phone. He may not be getting your e-mails. He has been very responsive to me and is a good person to deal with.
I am currently running-in an Underwood modified PS Audio GCPH. It has adjustable gain, loading, and both balanced and single-ended outputs. I only have about 8 hours of music through it, but it is quiet, smooth, and detailed. Reportedly, it requires 200 hours of break in, but it is going well so far. Oh, I had to ditch the stock power cord as it is really crappy. All I had around was a Zu Bok, and that seems to be working ok.
Although it is not run in yet, there is obviously potential, but I have to reserve final judgement (only my opinion).
Thanks for the responses so far. I'm investigating what I can about each one. Too bad one can't easily find a one stop shop to listen to everything. Reviews and feedback from actual users certainly helps in the decision making process.

Kevin did get back to me and answered some questions that I had. Apparently, he was just busy for a while. I'm more intrigued than ever as it seems that the components are quality. Similar to an Art Audio Vinyl Reference.

Anyone one build one yet who wants to comment or e-mail me?
Take a look around and see if you can find the recently discontinued ARC PH 5 - it is excellent and retailed for around $2500. It was replaced by the PH 7 which is more than twice the price. It is an excellent phono preamp with switchable gains from the remote. Good luck with your decision!