Technics SL1200MK2 Cartridge Discussion


I'd like to have a thread on cartridges that work with the Technics SL1200MK series tables.

I want to buy a Technics SL1210MK2 (the new black version from Musicians Friend) and need a cartridge recommendation. I am using a Musical Fidelity A308CR preamp that has MM/MC capability. My amps are Bryston 7B ST's and I have a pair of B&W Signature 800's on the way to replace my N801's. The MF Preamp is rolled off on top and the system is very listenable for long lengths of time. I'd describe it as detailed, but not too bright.

I really want to try the Technics table as it is relaible and inexpensive ($400 shipped or less for a used table if I go the ebay route). Please do not try to talk me into a different table. I had a VPI Scout and Dynavector 20x (High output) that I sold because I just wasn't using it. I'd like to keep this cheap so that I have decent TT available when and if I want to use it.

What can you recommed for a cart? I'd like to keep $160 to $200 as a max and stay lower if possible. Here is what I am considering:

Denon 103 (not the R)
Denon 110
Denon 160

Audio Technica 440 MLa

Shure M97xe

I do not know what carts work well with the Technics tonearm. I know that it is light and some threads recommend a Sumiko headshell for the Denons. What do I need to know here before buying a table and cart.

I'm down to the Shelter 501, the Audio Technica OC9 and the Denon 160. Big price difference between the three.

I am using a borrowed Benz LC80 and want to at lease equal its performance. It has a low output (0.09 mv) and I have to really turn up the volume.

I decided to skip the Denon 103 because I don't want to have problems with impedence matching, step ups, etc.

My preamp is a Musical Fidelity A308CR with 47K Ohm input and it has MC capability.

Anything that I need to know here?
For a higher performance high output MC, how about a Sumiko Blackbird or at least a BPS EVO III? The Blackbird is a S'phile Class B recommended component.

As for the Denon 103, you could get a Zu103 and matched K&K step-up transformer for less than the Shelter 501 (about $775 total).
If you are willing to go as high as the Shelter 501 there are certainly other options to consider such as the Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood and Aurum Beta S as well as the Benz Ace and Glider, all of which can have high output if desired. The Dynavector Karat is a reasonably compliant medium high output MC. The Lyra Dorian is less compliant and, as such, not quite as good a match, with a little less output, but still healthy. The Sumiko Blue Point Special EVO III and Blackbird are high output MCs although less compliant like the Lyra. It will be good to know what loading options the MC stage has in your Musical Fidelity preamp.
The Musical Fidelity A308 Preamp lists the following for the phono section:

Input for 1v RMS output:

2.5 mV MM
350 uV MC

Input impedence 47K Ohm

Overload margin 31 db
Sounds like the loading for the MC stage is 47k although that is unusual. It may be worth double checking with Musical Fidelity. The 350uV spec is more typically listed as .35mV which is withing the window of workability for most but not all cartridges. All of my above recommendations fall within that spec. Benz has models in low, medium and high output, all of which would work with that phono stage. Going with a compliancy of less than 15 might begin to be a liability with that arm. The Lyra and Sumikos are a little low with a compliancy of 12, but probabaly still workable. The Denons are lower still.