Setting antiskate on a Pro-ject arm

I just got back into analog with an entry level Music Hall turntable and am enjoying it tremendously. I recently changed the cartridge to a Shure M97xe which has a significantly lower optimal VTF than the cartridge which it replaced. (1.25g vs 1.70g) I am assuming that I need to reduce the antiskate also. Is this correct? On the pro-ject tonearm there is a little stub near the pivot point with 3 notches. The manual says to place the antiskate weight/thread on the middle notch. Assuming that I'm correct in needing to lower the antiskate, which notch is the lower value - the one closer or further from the pivot point? I figured it's the closer notch but to be honest I listened with the antiskate on all 3 notches and I can't really hear a difference. I don't want to damage my records over the long haul so I thought I should set it right even if I can't hear a difference.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Thanks vinylrowe, I'll check out the "drift" and try to adjust accordingly. My understanding is that antiskate should be equal or less than the VTF so if that's the case I only have one option.

You are correct that VTF and antiskating should match up.
Easy to verify if you have a Rega table and RB 300 tonearm. Eyes and ears will work best in your case. Pretty sure you will end up on the middle notch which I believe covers the VTF range you mentioned. My Pro_Ject Experience owners manual (which is temporarly M.I.A) listed 3 measurements I.0 1.5 and 2.0 for the notches but the numbers were not in grams rather in some other form of European measurement that I never fully understood. Anyways I'm sure your up and ready by now!!

The guy who set up my Pro_ject 9 recommended that I didn't use the anti-skating weight at all. When I hooked it up anyway I notice more noise and a boomire bass. Louder music was coming out one speaker then the other when I put the anti skating string all the way to the inner notch. Sounds find without it though I do notice my arm coming down at an angle with or without it on and hanging.