Gingko vs. pucks

I have a Scout and would like to add some isolation. Currently it just sits on top of my rack. I wanted to know if anyone has experience with the Gingko cloud isolation platform or something similar vs. the Aurios/BDR pucks or something along those lines. The Aurios were recommended by the Hot Stampers guy, whatever his name is. Thanks in advance.
For what it's worth, mine is also on cement floor. I was really surprised at the improvement.
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my father installed a Ginko under his Scoutmaster 3 weeks ago and it tightened things up tho a new cart was installed at same time but I sincerly believe it made a nice improvement.
I have used BDR since 1995 with great results, the ultimate isolation I have found is; BDR cones, pucks, black holes etc. a shelf or source, with Aurios Pro-max isolation bearings,IN THAT ORDER. I started out with adding some cones, then more cones, a shelf, then another shelf. Start out with a few sets of cones, they work under any price equipment, except Wadia. Generally the better the equipment, the better the results.
Kmulkey, I have been using a Gingko Cloud 11 under my Scout for several years and it sounds great. I have no complaints about it at all. I think that you would be very satisfied with a Cloud.