How often do you folks vacuum clean your albums?

To all you vinyl people out there: I am curious to know, after you have cleaned an old album, then put it on your vacuum machine (I am using a VPI unit), how often do you reclean it with your vacuum cleaner? I have heard answers from "every time I play it", to "only once, then just a carbon brush".

Dear Rsasso: +++++ " "only once, then just a carbon brush". +++++

This is what works for me, of course that if I think that one LP needs to clean again ( two-three times ) over the time then I do it. Remember that the best " clean-machine " is the cartridge stylus so try to mantain your cartridge stylus ( all the time ) in pristine-clean condition.

Regards and enjoy the music.
Schipo- If you think the Kirby is good, you should "hear" my cryo-d Electrolux with a mylar belt and the full battery mod ;~)
Just by coincidence, yesterday, I ordered a Dyson with the new HP inspired direct drive. The wheels are an upgrade to his stock wheels, the HRxW's. I went with the optional Shunyata 35 foot VXE cord that plugs into a RG battery powered power house. I was informed I'll probably need a dedicated outlet, so today I've been working with my Square D representative. Can't wait to get the records laid out on the carpet -- 150 will probably be cleaned in 5 minutes. Probably need a zerostat gun afterwards.