How often do you folks vacuum clean your albums?

To all you vinyl people out there: I am curious to know, after you have cleaned an old album, then put it on your vacuum machine (I am using a VPI unit), how often do you reclean it with your vacuum cleaner? I have heard answers from "every time I play it", to "only once, then just a carbon brush".

Rsasso: Great discussion. As for me I steam clean & use a RCM . As long as my LPs are stored with new inserts & clear vinyl covers a cleaning can last years with a few sweeps of a anti-static brush before playback. You should consider the addition of steaming to the cleaning process. Big difference. All the best
Well it wouldn't be the first time I've been accused of OCD. I VPI before every 3rd play and give them a Discwasher wipe and static gun shot immediatly after they come off the turntable. Stylus gets a cleaning after every evenings session is done.
I clean with a 1 hp shop-vac, a slot in the crevice tool surrounded by paint pad. First RRL super deep and then super wash for a rinse. Dry enough to play after a few revolutions. Into a new plastic lined paper sleeve.

Does a great job, lots quieter after the cleaning.

Use a Mobile Fidelity felt pad before every play and a magic eraser on the stylus after 3 or 4 sides.

Even right after a cleaning and brushing, if i shine a flashlight on ther ecord spinning, I can see lots of light reflected by dust. Aargh. tempted to try that 100 buck stainless steel brush from mapleshade. I've tried the Zero stat and was never impressed.
Kitch, have you tried not using the carbon fiber brush? It's kind of like using a broom without a dust pan. Or play a few seconds of the record then swipe the record with the brush and replay to see the difference. It would really be best to do this with a record that hasn't been brushed for a longtime, a few months. People that know me well know my disdain for carbon fiber brushes.
There has been a lot of emphasis above about keeping the STYLUS clean as even more important than cleaning the record. I use an Onzow Zero pad before each side of an album, then some Stylast stylus treatment.
Two questions: what do you think of that regimen (expensive)? what do you think about dipping the stylus on some Magic Eraser for cleaning (very cheap)??