New TT/cart question

I just hooked up, finally, a new Music Hall MMF7.1 with the stock Goldring Eroica high output moving coil cartridge. Here's my question. In previous years of TT use, I never could hear the music from the cartridge. I can hear the music playing from the cartridge when I turn the volume down. Is this normal with this cartridge, or is there a problem, ie VTF, etc? Most all my past experience has been with Shure carts.

Any advice/ideas welcome.
Pied, All the drivers in the Proac's are working just fine. The tubes in the PL have just been replaced with quad matched SED winged C KT88's. Had a tube go bad on me.... I've changed the tubes in the Pro-ject with some Mullards that the previous owner of the PL had. Sounds much smoother than the stock tubes. The cdp, yeah, I know...., still a work in progress, sound is balanced. If I were to swap the cables at the tt, the right side should be more dominant if it's a tt/cart issue. If it stays the same, then it would be downstream, correct?

I know these things are setup at the factory, but...... how well are they really tweaked in? My guess is not very...
The left channel on my cartridge was wired backwards, which put it out of phase. (My bad.) This made the left channel sound more dominant, and put the sound way outside the left speaker. Switched the wires, and all is well.
don'cha just love them little dumb mistakes. Especially when you figure them out.
I swapped the cables at the tt, and the dominent sound changed to the right side. The tonearm wires are in the correct position on the cart. So, either

1) the cartridge channel balance is off
2) the tonearm wires are out of phase at the rca connectors
3) the arm/cart is not setup properly