From my own experience,a "really good" table,especially with an integrated "linear arm" (like the fabulous Walker)will trounce virtually anything you can compare it to!
If you have not heard a "reasonable" will be quite surprised when you do!
I've simply had way too much exposure to a "great" linear air bearing arm to be convinced otherwise.You just have to listen(at length)to how music flows from such a combo.
Any cartridge will sound better,in it too!
As far as J.V.'s "Phantom" experience,and subsequent opinions regarding tonal colorations(from the Raven),and related equipment pairings(whether cartridge or table).....
there is just SO much alternative "voicings" that you can get with a Phantom(mainly because the fluid is SO important/impactful on tonal shadings and inner detail...(which is a good thing,IMO)...that you have to take his comments in the context of someone who has NOT got alot of "time in" with the personality of "that" arm!!.....
Not to try to denegrate his comments,but Graham arm's need "alot" of owner experimentation to fully realize how one can "get it" to the optimized performance envelope with a given cartridge/table combo.
From my experience with the superb Graham arms(2.2 and Phantom) I can easily see how J.V.'s comments about some "darkening" from tha Raven table,could "easily" be a "touch" more fluid,in the bearing pivot of the arm instead....
This could "easily" be the case,and I have overdone the business of "voicing" many times,only to go back to other prior settings,but it DID give me great insight as to how the fluid can influence a cartridge....BTW,anyone owning a Phantom for a goodly length of time knows this!
I "assume" J.V. could not have had enough time with the Phantom to learn it's little "fluid quirks"....which I consider an "advantage" in reality(for the additional flexibility it affords it's curious owner)!!You just have to live with the arm,for a long time to get this.
If he claims he is "expert" already(when he has NOT listed the arm previously,in his equip under usage)than I just don't buy that notion....BTW,I enjoy reading J.V.'s thoughts,and am not trying to undermine him,but he has a "tiny bit" of ego....sometimes.
So,although I know the Raven to be superb,and love the all honesty...there is NOT alot of tables out there to "match or exceed" the Walker!!
Even with the great press that TAS gave the latest REFERENCE table from overseas,in the last issue(150,000 dollars...whew)...having a product from a "local" mfgr pays HUGE dividends in the long run......
"THAT" I know from recent experience.....where I had a dealer basically bury his head in the sand,rather than try to get a "little" involved and aid me with my problem(where the grounding scheme of the product he sold me,was the culprit...he should know!! "That" episode has taken me months to sort out!!
Just some thoughts