God, why did I try my first LP = upgrade

After spend so many years in CDs, I finally decided to give a try on vinyl. I got one of the easiest plug and play Music Hall MMF 2.1 to begin with. None of my tube gears has a phono stage. So I hook it up with my vintage Marantz 2220B (build-in phono stage) and pair up with vintage Technics SB-A33 speakers. Run Nordost Red Dawn speaker cables between amp and speakers. After I tried my first LP, I fall in love with the sound of the music. Don’t know how to describe.
Now the problem comes, what should I do if I need to upgrade (already?). What is the best thing to do if I would like to pair up with my Maggie MG-III?
Currently using Minimax preamp with Exposure 2010 amp to drive Maggie (kind of low power rating but sweet sounding.) What will be the easiest upgrade without spend tons of $$.
Change a better turntable? Add a phono preamp (MM/MC)? Replace preamp with phono stage (tube only)? What is the best site to visit to gain more knowledge on turntable and cartridge?
My other tube gears are not suitable for Maggie but I will pair up my TT only with Maggie.
Your kindly suggestion is highly appreciated.
Thanks a lot for your input.
You might not know how to describe the sound but we all know what you mean.

Seems like a phono stage is in order so you can get the tt into your main system, and then see how things go from there. It's over now - you got bit. Have fun.
I'd also add a phono stage next, then live with it a while. The Pro-ject Tube Box SE is a very good tube pre-amp in the $500 region.
