Question regarding cartridge outputs...

Could someone explain to me the difference between:
.6mV @ 1khz 5cm/sec
.6mV @ 1khz 3.54cm/sec

Thanks for your help.
The unit cm/sec refers to the groove velocity cut into a record. This is how manufacturers reference (quote) their RMS output voltage (the number is asually approximately 5.7cm/s RMS).

Why? Because the cartridge's output is proportional to its stylus' perpendicular velocity. Your figures state that the cartridge's output will be the same when tracking a record with a 1kHz waveform cut at either groove velocity.
I assume those numbers are for two different cartridges...

If that is the case the second cartridge will have significantly higher output when tracking a track with say a groove velocity of 5 cm/sec. In fact output will be around 0.85mV for that track for cartridge 2 vs. 0.6mV for cartridge 1.

Seasoned's explanation of the numbers is correct as well.
to summarize the above, the output spec, in mV, is usually in reference to either 5cm/sec or 3.54cm/sec. The reference spec is often not listed so it can be important to research which one the company uses, as the actual output can vary by quite a bit, potentially making or breaking usability in a given system. To clarify Seasoned's last sentence, no cartridge has the same output forboth velocities.
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