turntable skipping with footsteps

Amongst all the expensive turntables around which are likely to skip with footsteps on a house with wood flooring..
Once own a basis table and was skip free even with jumping on hardwood floor
How do you fixed it other than a wall shelf...
I solved my footstep problem in my listening area w/a Ginko isolation platform. Now I can dance!
Consider applying a couple of 4x4 planks upright beneath the floor (in the basement/room underneath the room with teh turntable). If these are measured correctly so that they barely fit (you have to kick them into place), they can solve a lot of the footfall issues.

I opted for a wall mount and found it easier to set up than I expected and I've no issues.
Do wall-mounted shelves work that well in those wooden houses in the US? I'd imagine the vibrations would get into it either way. 
Even 11 years after this thread was kaput, yes, a wall shelf (e.g., Target) does work decently well even in "wooden houses".  The trick is to select a weight-bearing wall for mounting.  Most wooden houses built in the last 40-50 years in the US have steel I-beams internally that stabilize the main structural elements.