Acrylic Platters and Shinny Spots

After closer examination I see shiny spots on the acrylic platter on my Scout. Is this normal? Sounds kinda of anal but I just got the darn thing!
I use those LCD monitor wipes on my Scout and that seems to do the trick really well. I figure whatever's on those has gotta be less harsh than windex.
Windex contains Alcohol. I don't mean to be a know it all but after 40 years in the Plastic ( Acrylic ) business I think I have some idea of what I am talking about.
Denatured Alcohol is fine but not products with Alcohol. The process of the frosted finish is done in two ways. It is applied by a spray gun with a Dupont Matt based material. The other way is Sand Blasting. When sand blasted and there is not a sealer coat put on it is the oil in your hands that impregnants the Acrylic. This will cause those shiny areas.
You can use any cleaner without Alcohol content. The best cleaner is Novus # 1 for any plastic ( Acrylic )
When I mentioned grazing can or will appear, it will, it's just a matter of time if Alcohol is used.
I am sure there are cleaners on the open market that can be used I just don't know for sure which ones they are.
Don't doubt what you say at all about Alcohol, but do wonder why you would then say Denatured Alcohol would be OK? I'm certainly no chemist, but was of the belief that Denatured Alcohol contained some other various chemicals in it to essentially render it undrinkable? (And no doubt therefore un-taxable as well?)

I probably don't know what the heck I'm talking-thinking about, and maybe I'm thinking of something else?

I would think the Novus wouldn't be a good idea on the Clear Frosted Acrylic Platters, unless you want to remove the Frosted Matte Finish? Doesn't all the Novus Products contain an abrasive?

As for the Black Platters, isn't this material actually Delrin? Or?

What popped into my mind as a good alternative cleaner for either type Platter, since it doesn't appear to damage the Media we place upon these Platters, is a good Record Cleaning Fluid (Without Alcohol)?

Generally for dusting my platter+Plinth, and removing fingerprints-etc I use AIVS Pure Water Rinse. The Pure Water seems to not leave any spotting-streaking, in that it is mineral free. Mark
Markd51 Novus #1 is a cleaner only and also eliminates static. Your might be thinking of Novus #2 which is a scratch remover. We use Denatured everyday of the week to help clean acrylic that may have a residue left on it.
Listen to what Valleyplastic says, he's a professional in his field and has assisted me many times and always 100% on target!