Upgrade from Old Basis Ovation

I own a Basis Ovation turntable, which I purchased in 1990, along with a Triplanar tonearm and Van den Hul Grasshopper cartridge. I am considering whether to upgrade to a new turntable. If anyone on this board owns or owned the same turntable, and has since upgraded (whether to another Basis or to another manufacturer), I would appreciate hearing about your experience, what the new turntable does better/worse, etc.
memories tell me the ovation was a proverbial giant killer over a decade ago. i bet it still is. unless you're going to drop a whole lot of money(maybe for a table thats marginally or arguibly better), just enjoy it..its a classic.
Call Basis, you will probably speak with AJ, he'll tell you about his new belt. Believe every word. Makes a huge difference for less than $100. And he is great to talk with.