New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house

Wonder if any other new owners of this DAC are out there as I find it to be the finest digital playback I have heard to date. This is the first digital front end piece of gear I have owned that has transformed my music.

Ya, other digital gear does this or that better, but this Lampy breaks through to a new level of musical enjoyment. Clear view into the music helping the speakers just disappear. Only 24 hours of break in and the music flows so sweet, intimate and seemingly without boundaries.

Looking under the hood I see an impressive power supply with films caps and several high quality chokes. Point to point silver wired except for the digital and USB boards. This is a three tube player that is tube rectified. One has the option for SS rectification if desired.

Ya, I love this Lampy!

I will let you know what the Offramp does. It will be interesting as Steve at Empirical is confident I will hear a nice improvement over USB into our Lampys.
Hi Bill,
I found it interesting that you could use such low power (1.5-3.5 watts) at all with your Coincidents, I'm impressed. I can see where your Thor amplifier would serve you very well. I would say a 300b or a 845 SET with high quality power supply and transformers would work well(these would be more suitable than 45 or 2A3 SET). I know you're enjoying your music immensely.

I looked into the bottom of my TVIII speakers tonight. My tweeter has one 15 oHm resistor/10 watt and what looks like a 3uf cap. The resistor is a cheap sandcast and the cap is a Solen. Boy there is room for improvement when I get to it! Also one larger cap in the bass section. I will upgrade in the future with Duelund!
Even with those stock parts the sound quality is at a very high level. From personal experience I can confidentially say the Duelunds elevate this speaker to world class natural sound. I'm preaching to the choir I realize.
My speaker has only a single capacitor( tweeter) and no resistors.
Ok, I want to report on my findings using the Empirical Audio Offramp. The Offramp I have is;

Offramp 4 with Turboclock, updated 5 tranny, Hynes USB, and BNC to BNC cable.

I had been going from my Mac Mini USB out directly into the Lapizator 4 USB input with my Wywires USB cable. Now I go from the Apple 2009 Mini USB output into the Offramp USB input. Then from the Offramp using the BNC connector into my BNC Lampizator input.

Is there any improvement? Ha, well I wish I would have done this months ago when I started this whole computer audio thing. Still learning and so much more to learn. Yes, it sounds better. I won't go on for paragraphs, but here are the overall improvements.

In some ways I am hearing my Lampy for the first time as compared to its USB input. Music is more at ease and natural. Stage is wider and bigger overall. Digital glare that was there at times on certain recordings has all but vanished. The biggest and most important change for me is the sense of ease in the upper mids and highs. Instruments have more body and improved tone. Enough Aphile terms. I just want to listen more and longer.

This is with the Wall Wart power supply. I understand the Dynamo power supply from Empirical takes it all up another notch. This Offramp is expensive however and well as all the possible upgrades.

So I am now learning more about WAV vs AIFF as I understand WAV may sound better and all my CD's were put into AIFF. Yikes! We will see. I will report back on my findings.....