OK to use unmatched or different brand tubes?

My preamp has 2x 12AX7 and 2x 12AU7.
I am thinking of trying different tubes.

Would it be OK to use a pair of tubes with the same brand without testing their current levels?
How about using a pair of tubes from different brands with matching current levels?
How about using a pair of tubes from diffenret brands without testing their current levels?

Overall, if a new pair pair of tubes make improved sound, the mathing of current or brand does not matter?
Power tubes are much more sensitive to matching than pre-amp tubes. But, still it would be nice if they were in the same ball park. A tube tester that can give you a reference number for each is good but not mandatory.

But in general, unmatched pre-amp tubes have not been a problem in my experience.
As long as the tubes are of the same family(IE: ECC83, 12AX7, CV4004, 12AX7A, 12AX7WA, ECC803S, E83CC, CV492, 6681, 6057, M8137, 5751, 12DT7), you can mix and match pairs to your heart's content. You won't hurt anything.
The difference that matched tubes made on early-production Atma-Sphere MA-1s was like night and day. Roger Modjeski of RAM Labs was extremely helpful in this regard.